Confessional and disclaimer:

This is the original presentation, together with the scribbled notes from which it originated. My talks are fairly shambolic - I use them to stumble onto better, clearer ideas, rather than as the summary of completed research. By the time you read this, I will have changed my mind about everything contained herein.

I use Opera running on Debian Linux for presentations. Opera has a cool projection mode that I use: it's a trick I learnt from Steven Pemberton of the W3C.

Other detritus in this directory:

SDForum International SIG



How European and American tech markets are growing apart and what kind of headache that gives me in the morning.


How European and American tech markets are growing apart and what kind of headache that gives me in the morning.

Danny O'Brien, NTK, Sunday Times

Presentation at:

Who am I?

Best way to find out about anyone these days is Googlism.

Who am I

Best way to find out about anyone these days is

Placeholder until Danny realises he needs to go back and click on the link

British Lazy Stupid Journalist Wh*re

- British, not European "Fog in Channel; Continent Isolated" - Stupid: Most of what you see hear is just my stupid opinion Not backed up with more indepth research than what I see and hear No real Axe to Grind - Lazy, I can't be bothered to explain that - Whore: it's why I'm here.

British Lazy Stupid Journalist Wh*re

Actually from my homepage.

Ach, just google for it.

British Lazy Stupid Journalist Wh*re

Actually from my homepage.

Therefore, must be true.

British Lazy Stupid Journalist Wh*re

Actually from my homepage.

Therefore, must be true.

British Lazy Stupid Journalist Wh*re

Actually from my homepage.

Therefore, must be true.

British Lazy Stupid Journalist Wh*re

Actually from my homepage.

Therefore, must be true.

British Lazy Stupid Journalist Wh*re

Actually from my homepage.

Therefore, must be true.

Why I'm Here

- Technological Correspondent for London Sunday Times - Moved to Silicon Valley in 2000 - Why? Because I'm Lazy

Why I'm Here

Wired UK

Some of which are explained here

Living in the Future

- Wired aimed to be 6 months ahead of the present - Three months deadline - All work is trying to guess what everyone else will be saying when your magazine comes out.

Living in the Future

- Wired aimed to be 6 months ahead of the present - Three months deadline - All work is trying to guess what everyone else will be saying when your magazine comes out.

Living in the Past

Living in the Past

Living in the Past

Living in the Past

Moore or Less's Law

- Europe, broadly speaking, is 18 months behind the US - Some statistics - Got used to this as an idea

Moore or Less's Law

"Europe is, more or less, 18 months behind the US"

- Europe, broadly speaking, is 18 months behind the US - Some statistics - Got used to this as an idea

Moore or Less's Law

"UK is, more or less, 18 months behind the US"

Moore or Less's Law

"Asia is, more or less, 18 months behind the US"

Why I'm Here

- Easier to report on the future - From the future - Why many of us are here.

Why I'm Here

- Easier to report on the future - From the future - Why many of us are here.

Reporting from the Future

- 802.11b - July 2000 - Movie ripping - Feb 2000 - Instant Messengers - May 2001 - Broadband saturation - Aug 2002 - Roomba - Dec 2002

Something is Happening

Something is Happening

Mobile Phones

- Obvious example - UK more advanced than US - Crossing over into my territory

Mobile Phones

- Obvious example - UK more advanced than US - Crossing over into my territory

PC Ownership

- Stats show not always been this way

PC Ownership

Concealed in this graph is the most interesting point of the whole talk, shamelessly stolen from this paper. It shows that up unitl 1994, PC adoption in the UK was higher than in the US. A bit of info that always amazes my American friends, but comes as no surprise to Sinclair-obsessed Gen Xers.


- British readership convinced it must be better over here - Isn't. - Reaching saturation point at both sides



Eighteen months - a local blip?

Quick recap Internet: 18 Month Law - Temporary Blip - Internet caused this lead - Lots of Internet stats are saturating

Something Else is Happening



The Internet Boom

The Internet Boom

The Internet Boom

- Started 18 months earlier in US - Ended at exactly the same time

I Don't Really Need To Be Here

I Don't Really Need To Be Here

Isn't this good?

Isn't this good?


- In more British stores than American - From Bulgaria - Cheap!

The old rules don't apply

Stewart Alsop:

"Will we learn how to text message like the Europeans? Maybe."

- The Register "Will we learn how to text message like the Europeans? Maybe. But will the Europeans start using email like we do?" asked Alsop

The old rules don't apply

Stewart Alsop:

"Will we learn how to text message like the Europeans? Maybe. But will the Europeans start using email like we do?"

- The Register "Will we learn how to text message like the Europeans? Maybe. But will the Europeans start using email like we do?" asked Alsop

Biggest synchronous event of all

Biggest synchronous event of all


- Seen everywhere - Of course all news events are synchronous now - But so are reactions and conversations


- Seen everywhere - Of course all news events are synchronous now - But so are reactions and conversations


- Seen everywhere - Of course all news events are synchronous now - But so are reactions and conversations

Domestic reactions seen worldwide

European reactions read by the US,3604,551036,00.html

The Warblogs

American reactions to European reactions

Synchronisation and Divergence

Internet causes Synchronisation Synchronisation leads to Divergence Divergence leads to hate Hate Leads To Suffering

Synchronisation and Divergence

Synchronisation and Divergence

Conclusions (if any)

There are no well-worn tracks any more

We don't even know which simplification to pick

You don't have to be here.

You don't have to be there.

I have a headache.


How European and American tech markets are growing apart and what kind of headache that gives me in the morning.

Danny O'Brien, NTK, Sunday Times

Presentation at: